ATD EDIT has many advanced features. To try them all out just download our free trial version
of our software.
Some features include:
Unlimited file size - edit huge files faster than ever before.
Smart searches - search for one number or a range of numbers on any axis.
Smart search and replace - combine our smart search technology with the ability to
replace text.
Renumber blocks - create block numbers suited to your machine.
Remove comments - remove comments from your program to save file space.
Format numbers - make your numbers work on your machine.
Mirror - mirror an entire program at zero or any other known value.
Operations - add, subtract, multiply, or divide any axis.
DNC - send and receive to multiple machines and even edit a file while it's being sent.
Supports Strippit HECC80/3 communications protocol.
Quick G-code Reference - just click and get a customized definition of any G-code.
Inquire size - find the maximum and minimum of any axis and even list each movement.
Axis highlighting - customize colors to make your programs more readable.
Macros - record anything you do in ATD EDIT to play it back on any other file.
As you can see, ATD EDIT has many CNC programming features that will help you make better
programs faster. Just download our free trial version and see for yourself.